These photos will display continuously unless you hover over the image with your cursor.
Prime 55 Ribbon-cuttingPage 1
Israel and Rosie BallPage 2
Family of Rick and Joan BenderPage 2
Joan Bender and Granddaughter Maddy BoxdorferPage 2
Christian and Gretchen Boxdorfer with Gram\ndmother Joan BenderPage 2
St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael NoblePage 3
Miles HaliburtonPage 3
Rosie BallPage 3
Ellen Leathers and John DahlPage 3
Jon Dahl (photo not printed)
SDCC Fundraiser at the MoonrisePage 3
Outdoor area at the Moon Roof as the sun was setting and the party began Page 3
SDCC fundraiser photo not printed in The Times of SD
6000-6100 Blocks of Westminster gather for the group picture at the 12th Annual Bloclk Party.Page 5